Equality at Accso

Networks for a fair working environment

Our networks form interest groups on various topics - similar to our communities. However, the content is not about "technical" topics, focusing more on general aspects that influence, for example, our collaboration at Accso, our own health or issues affecting society as a whole, such as the advancement of women or diversity. Everyone is welcome to join in, get involved, contribute ideas and implement them.
Drei Accsonaut:innen im Accso Büro in Darmstadt neben einem Equality Rollup
Diversity bei Accso Gruppenfoto vor der Diversityfahne

We live diversity

We are convinced that diversity enriches our company and our teamwork. That's why we want to raise awareness among female colleagues, make the topic more visible both internally and externally and offer a point of contact for all matters relating to diversity. We focus on three aspects: LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual/transgender, queer, intersex and asexual people), disability and origin.

1170 x 782 Charta der Vielfalt

How we support diversity

  • Charta der Vielfalt & Challenges of the Charter 
  • Gender-equitable guidelines
  • Presentations, e.g. on "Intersectionality", "Diversity in general", "Unconsciousness bias" and "How to - barrier-free code"
  • Celebrating Diversity Day with a movie night/workshop 
  • Diversity calendar within the team
Frauen bei Accso
Support for women

We live equality

Our equal opportunities network is involved in various projects to promote women - both women who already work at Accso and women who are not. Our aim is to support women in their personal and professional careers, to motivate them and to promote them in various areas, for example in their development as managers. With our activities, we want to contribute to a social rethink and ensure that more young women discover computer science for themselves.

Essenspause in der Küche in Darmstadt während der Veranstaltung WomenPowerIT

Our activities to support women

  • Support center for women at Accso 
  • Our women's networking event at the Accso offices: WomenPowerIT
  • Workshop with Female Finance Forum
  • Exchange with other women's advancement networks from other companies
Corporate Social Responsibility

We take responsibility

Making a sustainable contribution to people and the environment is important to us. We support experts in advancing their sustainable business areas with customized software. And that makes us proud.

17 Würfel der SDGs in Papierform übereinander gestapelt
Ackerhelden Simon, Rabea und Anita mit der Ernte von 2023 Accso

We want to live true sustainability, so we are taking action

  • Educational work on sustainable measures within the company 
  • Our Accso bee colony 
  • Tree planting campaigns 
  • Initiatives to save resources within the team 
  • GreenIT working group