

Kölle, Do Bes E Jeföhl! (We can't translate this because the people of Cologne have their own language). Our northernmost location has been in existence for eleven years. Located directly at the Mediapark, Accso is the workplace for more than 40 Accsonauts. Whether working at a high table, with a view of the Mediapark piazza or in the OpenSpace - everything is catered for.
Accso Standort Köln
Bilderwand im Kölner Accso-Büro
Viva Colonia

Your digitization partner in NRW

With two teams, the Cologne location is both the second largest and the second oldest. Nevertheless, we still have a family atmosphere. No wonder we regularly organize games evenings or invite people to eat pizza together.

By the way: to avoid the discussion about the only true Kölsch, our meeting rooms are called Gaffel, Päffgen and "Früh".


Im Mediapark 6a, Köln, 50670, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

Alexa Born

Office Administration Specialist
Your contact at the location Cologne
Alexa Born Raute