Digital Partner

Digital Transformation

Successful Digitization Requires Digital Design
Transformation Blätter

Digitalization is changing old habits and creating new needs – in both business and private life. The drivers are disruptive technologies such as social media, big data, the Internet of Things and blockchain. Companies are being forced to adapt both internally and externally. Services and processes have to follow the market, organization and culture have to keep up with the times.

We accompany you on this path and support you in exploiting the profitable potential of digitalization.

Digitization Exactly According to Your Needs

Whether it's a comprehensive digital transformation, the redesign of business models or the updating of digital products and services. Accso is at your side as a partner in all these areas.

The most important thing: together we focus on user needs and requirements. Because digital design is a success factor for the success of your digital project. Measurable, testable and customizable.

"If you do digitalization right, a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. If you don't do it right, you end up with a faster caterpillar at best."George WestermanDigital researcher

Your Digital Transformation with Accso

Consulting and TransformingChanges in the system

To tackle the challenge of digitalization, we combine the strengths of Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Systems Thinking. This allows us to efficiently focus on the needs of our customers and their stakeholders in the areas of business and technology.

To do this, we take the following approach together:

Enter – In a joint discussion, we identify the problem and context in order to plan the exact next steps.

Express – We examine all relevant perspectives in the form of analyses, interviews and workshops with you and your employees

Define – All findings are summarized, root causes are identified and a precise problem definition is formulated.

Model – Based on the definition, our experts model the situation and generate ideas for solutions. Ideas for products can also emerge here.

Validate – Your feedback is needed! Did we get to the root of the problem? Do the approaches really solve the problem?

Act – All findings are reviewed, consolidated and translated into recommendations for action. We then discuss the possible implementation together in order to sustainably improve your situation.

Digital Services and ProductsFocus on problem solving and users

Products are going digital, services are going digital. This has fundamentally changed the rules of the game. Questions about business models and operations inevitably arise for everyone. We take a close look with you and find the concept that will help you move forward efficiently in the digital world. With solutions that...

  • support you in improving workflows
  • network your systems intelligently
  • make your product even more attractive for customers

Our goal is to develop products and services that solve real problems and are intuitively understood and enjoyed by users. That's why we rely on design thinking as an innovation process. In this way, we always keep your needs and those of your customers in focus, get to work quickly and strengthen teamwork and innovation culture.

Workshops and MethodsFrom a specific problem to a solution

In an innovation workshop, we focus on a specific problem - and you define it. Within a short period of time, we examine the problem in detail together with the key stakeholders and develop possible solutions. There are no restrictions in terms of subject matter: we can work on technology issues as well as process or HR topics. Digitalization topics in particular are always cross-cutting.

The workshop primarily delivers two main results. Firstly, a sharp, shared understanding of the problem. This is an essential prerequisite for any implementation process. Secondly, a list of joint solution approaches for a complex customer problem. In addition, we achieve secondary results through close, interdisciplinary teamwork: the relevant minds network, cross-divisional communication is strengthened, all participants benefit from the methods used and overall the workshop exemplifies a culture of innovation.

More on This Topic?

Digital design still sounds unfamiliar? We are continuously developing the profession with the German digital association Bitkom. The joint Digital Design Manifesto provides a compact overview.

Kaminzimmer München

Do you have further questions about digital transformation or digital design? Write to us and lay the foundation for your digital transformation!