Dr. Xenija Neufeld

As a machine learning engineer, Accsonaut Dr. Xenija Neufeld is passionate about artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and software engineering and supports our customers in their AI and ML-based projects.
Before joining Accso, Dr. Xenija Neufeld studied computer science at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. She then worked as an AI developer in the video games industry while working on her doctorate. Her PhD focused on the coordination of multiple agents, task planning and execution.
Through her PhD within the gaming industry, she brings previous experience from large software engineering projects. Combined with ML engineering experience from Accso projects and her scientific understanding, she can cover a broad spectrum within "Research & Development".
In the past, Dr. Xenija Neufeld has already gained experience in the games industry. As an accsonaut, she is currently supporting ZDF in the further development of recommendation systems in the ZDFmediathek. Here, too, her tasks range from research to the further development of ML solutions within cloud environments and their commissioning. Her work focuses on reinforcement learning and the importance of public law values in recommendation systems.
Due to her interest in both engineering and science, Dr. Xenija Neufeld supervises and supports students with their theses and is available for guest lectures on ML topics.
She is also committed to getting more young women interested in IT and acts as a mentor for schoolgirls.
"A proof of concept is one of the important first steps towards machine learning, but it is not yet a functioning solution. Good software engineering is required for production implementation."Xenija NeufeldPrincipal + Co-Community-Leiterin