Success Story

The German Organ Donation

An IT system that optimizes processes and saves lives.
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    A booking system for corona vaccinations

    A booking system f

    or corona vaccinations

    In order to contain the health effects of the global coronavirus pandemic, it was essential to vaccinate the population quickly once the new vaccines had been delivered. From then on, doctors and pharmacists were faced with the difficult task of immunizing many hundreds of thousands of people every day, timing each individual vaccination process to the second and reliably assigning the certificate to the vaccination patients afterwards. Both large and small vaccination centers had to process this high demand for vaccinations conscientiously and promptly.

    This prompted the digitalization experts at Merkando to create a software prototype for use in vaccination centers: the Impfomizer. This is an online booking system for vaccinations that helps patients find a vaccination center near them and book a vaccination appointment.

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    The first German software for a paperless vaccination planning system

    The implementation was then carried out in collaboration with the IT and digitalization specialists from Accso. And it was a success: together with Accso, a market-ready vaccination scheduling system was created, which on the one hand extends the functionality to include environmental processes such as invoicing and certificate download, and on the other hand has a stable architecture and security concept and provides the user with a sophisticated and modern user interface.

    To get from the prototype idea to a ready-to-use product, the Accso team led by Dr. Roland Axelsson helped Merkando and its managing director Dr. Björn Schittenhelm to implement and further develop the sophisticated software. This collaboration resulted in a version of the "Impfomizer" that enables paperless vaccination planning - from registration to the administration of vaccination certificates - and thus digitally maps all important processes. In future, the "Impfomizer" will enable both the location- and vaccine-based search for vaccination centers as well as the planning and organization of mass vaccinations for any type of vaccine.

    Vaccinating on a Piecework Basis

    An optimal result thanks to partnership-based collaboration in an agile team

    The successful project collaboration and the resulting "Impfomizer" was primarily shaped by the combined expertise of Accso and Merkando. The partnership-based collaboration under the lead management of Dr. Axelsson (Accso) in terms of implementation and Michael Bock (Merkando) inspired everyone involved: tight feedback cycles, a mixed agile team and technical expertise enabled the rapid completion of the software. The entire project benefited from the expertise of everyone involved. Merkando with the technical know-how from the direct insight into the vaccination processes from the pandemic, as well as the in-depth knowledge of the requirements of all stakeholders. And Accso with a strong, customized team of technical specialists from all required areas: Cloud, frontend and architecture.

    Prof. Schittenhelm von Merkando
    "We learned a lot, including about processes, production and programming. And so we went down this path together, which took us from the initial implementation to a finished product in a sensational six months."Dr. Björn SchittenhelmPharmacist and Managing Director of Merkando
    Prof. Schittenhelm von Merkando